
Paypack Documentation

Easy Installation


1. Django App Ready for Lift-Off:

  • Make sure your Django application is primed and polished. Have it nestled comfortably in a Git repository (like a virtual launchpad).
  • Don’t forget to pack your trusty requirements.txt file. Think of it as your app’s manifesto, listing all its essential dependencies.

2. Mission Control (Optional):

  • For some advanced maneuvers, having access to the Terminal from your CPanel’s “Advanced” section might come in handy. Think of it as your personal command center.

3. Shared Hosting: Your Launchpad:

  • You’ll need access to your shared hosting environment through your CPanel. This is essentially where your app will take flight and reside amongst the stars (well, the internet!).

4. Python Application Support: Verify that your hosting provider supports Python applications and that the necessary Python version is available.


5. SSH Access: It is beneficial to have SSH access for some steps, although it is not mandatory.


Step-by-Step Guide to Install PayPack HRM on cPanel


  1. cPanel Access: Ensure you have access to your cPanel account.

Step 1: Log in to cPanel

  • Open your web browser and navigate to your cPanel login page.
  • Enter your username and password to log in.

Step 2: Configure the Python environment

After successfully cloning, go on to configure the Python environment, from the Cpanel main page navigate to the Software section and click on Setup Python App

Step 3. Click the “Create Application” button.

  • Choose the Python version required by PayPack HRM (e.g., Python 3.11 (if possible)).
  • Set the application root, for example, /home/yourusername/paypack.
  • Set the application URL, for example, yourdomain.com/paypack.
  • Select the application startup file, typically wsgi.py.

Step 4: Upload Your Paypack Project

  1. Go to the “File Manager” in cPanel.

2. Navigate to the directory you specified as the application root.

3. Upload your Django project files (you can compress the files into a zip archive and upload them, then extract the files on the server).

Step 5:  Set Up the Database

In the terminal, navigate to your project directory and run the following commands to apply migrations and create a superuser:

Next you will get this page 

Next you will get this page 

Step 6: After creating database go to this page again and click on “Setup Python App”

Step 7: Click on edit button 

Click on the red marked box URL then it will copy automatically: 

Step 8:

  1. Next Go to Home page and find the terminal
  2. Paste the copied command in the marked terminal to active virtual environment
  3. Then Press Enter from your keyboard  

Step 9:

  • Then write on the terminal “pip install -r requirements.txt” to install all dependency of the Paypack HRM software (required)   

Step 10:

  • Go to project directory 
  • Then Write “python manage.py migrate” on the same terminal 
  • Then press enter to create database tables
  • Have Fun

We recommend VPS hosting server to better experience and facilities.  

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